Questão número 636056

Read the sentences below taken from text A.

I. I heard, also, the fir bough repeat its teasing sound, and ascribed it to the right cause.

II. To my confusion, I discovered the yell was not ideal: hasty footsteps approached my chamber door.

III. No one will thank you for a doze in such a den.

IV. The snow and wind whirled wildly through, even reaching my station.

Rewritten, the sentences above will read as

  • A.

    I. I heard a sound against the pane and tried to find out what was making it; II. I became surprised when my scream was not perfect and someone approached my door; III. Nobody will thank Heathcliff for a night in his house; IV. Snow and wind caught me in the corridor.

  • B.

    I. I heard a sound against the pane and attributed to the bought; II. I was surprised when I realized that my scream had been real and someone was approaching my room; III. Nobody will thank Heathcliff for a night in that room; IV. Snow and wind caught me in the corridor.

  • C.

    I. I heard a sound against the windowpane and I guessed what was making it; II. I got surprised when I realized that my scream was not only in my head and that someone was by my door; III. No one shall thank Heathcliff for a night spent in that specific room; IV. The bad weather hit me in the hall.

  • D.

    I. I heard a sound against the windowpane and realized what was making it; II. I was surprised when I screamed and someone came into my room; III. No one will thank Lockwood for a night in that room; IV. Snow and wind caught me during that season.

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