Questão número 636857

Read the text below in order to answer questions 19 and 20.


When you apply for an insurance policy, you will be asked all sorts of questions. For example, the agent will ask you demographic questions such as your age, gender, address, etc. You will also be asked questions which will be used to determine what type of risk you are. For example, when a company is deciding whether or not to offer you automobile insurance, it will want to know about your driving record, whether you have any recent accidents or tickets, and what type of car you drive. This information will help them decide whether your profile is consistent with the type of risks they are trying to attract. Some insurers specialize in offering insurance only to very safe drivers and will only accept applications from people who fit the profile of a safe driver. Once the insurer has decided your profile is consistent with the types of risks it accepts, your information will be used to determine which rate to charge you. For example, the company will decide whether you should be offered insurance at the high-risk driver rate or the low-risk driver rate. Collectively, this entire process is known as the underwriting process. Once a company's underwriting department has decided to offer you insurance, it next determines the "quality" of the risk so the proper premium can be charged. That is, high-risk people should pay more than low-risk people.

According to the text,

  • A. a safe driver will not be asked questions.
  • B.

    accidents and tickets prevent drivers from applying for an insurance.

  • C.

    the applicant's profile relates exclusively to his educational background.

  • D.

    policy holders guarantee the quality of the risk involved.

  • E.

    high-risk drivers might be refused by some insurers.

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