Questões de Língua Inglesa

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

A process represents the input or output of a record or map. It consists of processing statements before and after a process option (type of I/O operation), and a process object (name of the defined record structure or map that the process option uses). A process is divided logically into the processing statements that are to be run before and after the process option is performed. Processes can be defined as main processes of the application or invoked from other processes or statement groups. According to the text, which is the correct answer?

  • A.

    A process only has records and a map

  • B.

    A process has a name

  • C.

    A process represents the input and output of a record or map

  • D.

    A process doesn't have a Top-down structure

The sentence "The security system has not been tested so far" means approximately:

  • A. Nobody has tested the security system so far.
  • B. Nothing has been tested by the security system so far.
  • C. No security system has been tested so far.
  • D. None of the security systems has been tested so far.

Acronyms are used to shorten email messages. The alternative that stands for its correct definition is:

  • A. FYI stands for For Your Information.
  • B. bcc stands for Basic Common Copy.
  • C. cc stands for Common Copy.
  • D. ASAP stands for As Simple As Possible.
  • E. NRN stands for No Report Necessary.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 16 to 18:

A new budget system

In 1989, the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre came up with a radical solution to its major problems of unaccountability and extreme poverty: a participative budget. For the last decade, the people of the city have been deciding how the budget for public works should be allocated. Neighbourhood groups propose projects, and people from community groups and non-profit organisations who have been elected by their neighbours, decide which projects will go ahead. In some cases, the community delegates also oversee implementation of the final projects. This has had the triple result of avoiding corruption and mishandling funds, improving concrete matters on the ground, and increasing democratic participation in the process by a huge amount.

According to the text, Porto Alegre's budget system is

  • A. globalized.
  • B. conservative.
  • C. innovative.
  • D. traditional.
  • E. governmental.

A Package is a single, bound DBRM with optimized access paths. Prior to DB2, the only option available for binding was at the plan level. By using packages, the table access logic is "packaged" at a lower level of granularity, at the Package or program level. According to the text, what is the correct definition of a Package?

  • A.

    A Package is a single, bound DBRM with an optimized access path.

  • B.

    A Package is not a single, bound DBRM with an optimized access path.

  • C.

    A Package is a record and bound DBRM with an optimized access path

  • D.

    A Package is a table and bound DBRM with an optimized access path

The central idea of this text is related to the

  • A.

    creation of cell phones that contain a mini-PC

  • B.

    association of Microsoft, Intel and Nokia

  • C.

    competition for the teenagers market

  • D.

    democratization of the software industry

One of the trickiest gramar aspects in any language is subject-verb agreement. Considering subject-verb agreement, the only correct alternative is:

  • A. Many leading researchers have published their findings in journals.
  • B. The only excuse possible are the ones we invented together.
  • C. To keep these students inside the classroom all the time are not healthy.
  • D. The New York Times are the best newspaper in the USA.
  • E. A number of documents is missing from the office since yesterday.

Read the text below in order to answer questions 16 to 18:

A new budget system

In 1989, the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre came up with a radical solution to its major problems of unaccountability and extreme poverty: a participative budget. For the last decade, the people of the city have been deciding how the budget for public works should be allocated. Neighbourhood groups propose projects, and people from community groups and non-profit organisations who have been elected by their neighbours, decide which projects will go ahead. In some cases, the community delegates also oversee implementation of the final projects. This has had the triple result of avoiding corruption and mishandling funds, improving concrete matters on the ground, and increasing democratic participation in the process by a huge amount.

The participative budget

  • A. concerns the allocation of funds.
  • B. prevents democratic participation
  • C. tends to increase levels of taxation
  • D. reflects governmental decisions
  • E. has increased corruption levels

A DBRM is nothing more than a module containing SQL statements extracted from a source program by the DB2 precompiler. It is stored as a member of a partitioned dataset. According to the text, what is the correct definition of a DBRM?

  • A.

    A DBRM is not a module containing SQL statements extracted from a source program by the DB2 precompiler.

  • B.

    A DBRM is nothing more than a module containing SQL statements extracted from a source program by the DB2 precompiler.

  • C.

    A DBRM is a module containing SQL statements extracted from a source program by the DB2 precompiler

  • D.

    A DBRM is more than a module containing SQL statements extracted from a source program by the DB2 precompiler.

The places you can hide from Microsoft are scarce because

  • A.

    they sell their products everywhere in the world

  • B.

    their products have become part of your daily life

  • C.

    their products can be used anywhere in the house

  • D.

    they announce their products in your cell phone

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