Questão número 640547

The Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture states that

  • A.

    the teaching of foreign languages, as it happens in relation to other subjects, is the school’s responsibility, and it is there that it should take place.

  • B.

    the language curriculum should focus on the development of as many skills related to the target language as possible, thus preparing students for college admission exams.

  • C.

    teachers should emphasize the teaching of writing in detriment to other abilities, due to the few opportunities the population has to use foreign languages as an instrument for oral communication, inside or outside the country.

  • D.

    teachers should enable students to develop oral abilities as well as reading and writing.

  • E.

    the focus on teaching students how to develop their writing abilities in the foreign language could serve purposes, such as helping them overcome difficulties they may be facing in their own language when it comes to reading tasks.

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