Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2014

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2014 para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Assinale a alternativa que preencha CORRETAMENTE as sentenças abaixo de acordo com os verbos dados, respectivamente.

I. _________________ (to lie) in the sun for six hours. That’s why he is sunburnt.

II. Carry is on the phone now. _________________ (to talk) to her sister in Greece.

III. I’m not sure if this is a good book. _________________ (to read) it.

IV. I think I’m a good skier. _________________ (to go skiing) every weekend in the winter.

V. In Middle East the people _________________ (to rise up) against the dictator after the incident.

VI. Americans _________________ (to be) the first to send a man to the moon about fifty years ago.

  • A. He laid - She talks - I hasn’t read - I’m going skiing - rised up - will be
  • B. He lied - She’s talking - I didn’t read - I’m going to go skiing - have been rising up - are
  • C. He’s been lying - She’s talking - I haven’t read - I go skiing - rose up - were
  • D. He’s lying - She used to talk - I’m reading - I’m going to ski - raised up - have been

Based on the information conveyed by the two book reviews, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

The first review implies that the book author’s point of view is explicit in the narrative, whereas the second indicates the book presents an impartial account of the state of affairs.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the information conveyed by the two book reviews, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

Though based on real facts, both books belong to the fiction genre.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the information conveyed by the two book reviews, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

The two books approach political issues in Pakistan from an international perspective.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the information conveyed by the two book reviews, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

The books are connected inasmuch as the issues discussed in the first one influence Pakistan’s international relationships.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on Book Review 1, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

The conflicts and violence in Karachi contrast with what happens in the country as a whole.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on Book Review 1, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

The book tries to clarify Karachi’s enigmatic situation.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on Book Review 1, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

The book shows a view of the city of Karachi that is different from the media’s.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on Book Review 1, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

Karachi has become ungovernable due to its warfare constant condition.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on Book Review 2, judge the items right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “wildest” (l.11) indicates that the claims the reviewer refers to lack basis or evidence.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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