Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2017

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2017 para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

In accordance with text 9A4BBB, it can be deduced that

  • A. the wind has all the answers to mankind problems.
  • B. the mountains and the sea are to be kept apart.
  • C. some human questions are still to be answered.
  • D. it is easy for a man to be called a man.
  • E. cannon balls won’t ever be abolished.

Based on text 9A4BBB, it can be concluded that

  • A. although many people die, yet a man can take time to notice it.
  • B. it can take time for men to cry.
  • C. people are not free.
  • D. a man doesn’t see anything.
  • E. the sky cannot be seen.

In accordance with text 9A4CCC, it can be concluded that

  • A. students’ needs must be met whatever they are.
  • B. students’ learning can occur regardless of the way they are evaluated.
  • C. assessment as well as evaluation are both the most important factors for learning and teaching English.
  • D. a successful learning of a foreign language like English requires well-built up evaluation procedures.
  • E. teaching a foreign language can only happen if there is an evaluation program.

Based on text 9A4CCC, it can be concluded that

  • A. what is assessed and evaluated is more important than how it is assessed and evaluated.
  • B. students must also be asked to evaluate the assessment process.
  • C. students are supposed to do well in their performances only if they are rigorously evaluated.
  • D. not only students but also some other people should be informed about the items of the evaluative process.
  • E. students’ progress depends on the results of research works.

In text 9A4CCC, “how well students are expected to perform” (l.14) means how well students

  • A. are probably thought to perform.
  • B. are able to perform.
  • C. will certainly to perform.
  • D. will most certainly perform.
  • E. improve their learning.

Based on the text, judge the following items.

"the Japanese" (line 4) refers to a single person from Japan.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the text, judge the following items.

"The dog" (line 1) means a specific type of animal. Not a specific dog.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the text, judge the following items.

not anymore is a correct alternative to “no longer” (line 1).

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the text, judge the following items.

In 1993 the dog population in Britain increased by 7 million.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado

Based on the text, judge the following items.

“all day” (line 8) has the same meaning as every day.

  • C. Certo
  • E. Errado
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