Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNDATEC Processos Seletivos (FUNDATEC)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNDATEC Processos Seletivos (FUNDATEC) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Choose the alternative that best completes the blanks in the text, following 1 to 4 order.

  • A. may – would – might – can
  • B. would – will – would – might
  • C. must – can – will – can
  • D. might – will – must – would
  • E. will – can – can – must

If we add the prefix ‘-UN’ to some words in English, we can get the opposite of that word, like in ‘unwanted’ (l. 29). In this sense, consider the following words and analyze them:

I. able.

II. happy.

III. fair.

IV. acceptable.

Which of them can be an opposite just by adding the prefix ‘-UN’?

  • A. Only IV.
  • B. Only II and III.
  • C. Only I, II and IV.
  • D. Only II, III and IV.
  • E. I, II, III and IV.

Choose the alternative that presents a synonym to the underlined word in the context below:

“But with practice you can learn to disrupt and tame negative cycles.” (l. 13).

  • A. change.
  • B. interrupt.
  • C. accommodate.
  • D. maintain.
  • E. put off.

The sentence ‘But constant negativity can also get in the way of happiness, add to our stress and worry level and ultimately damage our health.' (l. 02-04) could be paraphrased only by the following:

  • A. But regular negativity can also get in the way of happiness, add to our stress and worry level and eventually damage our health.
  • B. But persistent negativity will also affect happiness, add to our stress and worry level and even damage our health.
  • C. But constant negativity may get in the way of happiness, add to stress and worry level and then damage our health.
  • D. But regular negativity might also disturb happiness, add to our stress and worry capacity and ultimately destroy our health.
  • E. And persistent negativity can destroy happiness, enhance to our stress and worry level and also damage our condition.

The word ‘help’ (l. 17) may be both a noun and a verb without having to change its spelling. The same may occur to all the words bellow, EXCEPT for:

  • A. calm.
  • B. dream.
  • C. look.
  • D. look.
  • E. call.

Considering the text, it is possible to say that:

I. Having bad thoughts can be dangerous for people who cannot control themselves.

II. Accepting negative thoughts can help to minimize their effects.

III. Most people who have negative thoughts had a bad experience during childhood.

IV. Seeing a therapist can help people to recover from the effects of negative thoughts.

Which of them are correct?

  • A. Only II.
  • B. Only IV.
  • C. Only I and II.
  • D. Only I, II and III.
  • E. Only II, III and IV.

Which of the following questions can be answered based on the text?

  • A. How long does a person need to get over bad thoughts?
  • B. What can you do to not start thinking about bad things?
  • C. What may be the cause of negative thoughts?
  • D. How many people suffer from negative thoughts in the world?
  • E. If you are a happy person, is it easy to avoid having bad thoughts?

Analyse the statements about some expressions of the text, marking true (T) or false (F).

( ) The word ‘flimsy’ (l.07) could be replaced by ‘strong’ without changing the meaning of the utterance.

( ) The expression ‘jewel-like beauty’ (l.13) means that the covers resemble the beauty of jewellery.

( ) The author uses the expressions “more cloth, more foil, more embossing, page staining, sewn bindings, deckled edges” (l.14-15) to describe the perfect cover in his opinion.

( ) Without considering the context, it is possible to translate the expression ‘lightbulb moment’ (l.37) as ‘momento de inspiração’.

The correct and respective order is:

  • A. F – T – F – T.
  • B. T – F – T – F.
  • C. T – T – F – F.
  • D. F – F – T – T.
  • E. F – F – F – T.

Consider the following statements about the text:

I. Nowadays people pay more attention to how a book looks like than before. This popularity of beautiful covers and books is a characteristic of the last few years.

II. According to the author, the success of book sales is only related to the design of their covers.

III. The author mentions that when there is an effort to design a beautiful cover it indicates that the content of the book may also be important.

Which ones are in agreement with the text?

  • A. Only I.
  • B. Only II.
  • C. Only III.
  • D. Only I and II.
  • E. Only I and III.

Mark the alternative that correctly and respectively fills in the blanks (l.04, l.13 and l.17) of the text.

  • A. appearance – gorgeously – susteinable
  • B. appearance – gorgeously – sustainable
  • C. appearance – gorgeouslly – sustainable
  • D. apearance – gorgeously – susteinable
  • E. apearance – gorgeouslly – susteinable
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