Questões de Língua Inglesa da Instituto Nosso Rumo de Educação e Desenvolvimento Social (NOSSO RUMO)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Instituto Nosso Rumo de Educação e Desenvolvimento Social (NOSSO RUMO) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

According to the text, Thiel considers the “complacency of the western world”

  • A. the weird mode of denial and acceptance found in the passive human behavior towards the inevitability of death.
  • B. to approach aging as a disease in need of a cure through the development of an anti-aging scheme involving gene therapy.
  • C. to see death as a terrible inconvenience that needs disrupting.
  • D. the most natural, humane, and important thing we could possibly do.
  • E. the craziest thing.

According to Ambrosia, Thiel’s opinion on receiving a blood transfusion from a teenager in the hope that it will restore some youthful vigour is

  • A. a terrible inconvenience.
  • B. something he has never done before but he could do in the future.
  • C. something he has never done before and will never do.
  • D. something he has done before but won’t do again.
  • E. something he has done before and will be doing again.

Are examples of operating systems:

  • A. Windows 10, OS X, Unix, Ios.
  • B. Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote.
  • C. .exe, txt, .pdf, .jpeg.
  • D. Hard Drive, memory, modem.
  • E. Cache, data, driver, URL.

Choose the alternative with the INCORRECT plural.

  • A. Jane is making a salad. She bought potatoes and tomatoes.
  • B. The abandoned house is full of mice!
  • C. The mayor is providing clean water for the people.
  • D. John had to extract one teeth.
  • E. Men usually think they are heroes.

The idiom “to kill two birds with one stone” means:

  • A. something you say when seeing the same people, events or situations in different places.
  • B. to commit a crime.
  • C. to hurt animals.
  • D. accomplish two tasks with only one effort.
  • E. to lose all of or most of your money.

Read the extract below.

Thiel’s “fight” involves investing millions in biotechnology and artificial intelligence in what he has called “the immortality project”. His investment firm Thiel Capital has, according to Inc, expressed an interest in a company called Ambrosia, which is running a trial where individuals can pay $8,000 to receive a blood transfusion from a teenager in the hope that it will restore some youthful vigour.

The highlighted relative pronoun “which” above refers to

  • A. the immortality Project.
  • B. Thiel.
  • C. biotechnology and artificial intelligence.
  • D. Ambrosia.
  • E. his investment firm.

Choose the alternative that correctly fills the blank spaces in the sentences below.

Welcome! ______ is my new house. _____ houses are bigger than ______ we saw yesteday I parked my car near _____ tree. Can you see it?

  • A. That/ Those/ these/ this
  • B. This/ These/ those/ that
  • C. These/ This/ those/ that
  • D. These/ Those/ this/ that
  • E. That/ This/ these/ those

Choose the alternative that correctly fills the blank spaces in the sentences below.

I downloaded the file _____ that website.

Francis will be back ____ 5 o’clock.

Susan goes to school ____ bus.

He will pay the water bill ___ Friday.

  • A. for/ at/ in/ at
  • B. to/ on/ by/ in
  • C. from/ by/ by/ on
  • D. from/ at/ on/ to
  • E. to/ at/ from/ at
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