Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2017

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2017 para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

Consider the statements below:

I. The plural of the word ‘beauty’ (l.40) follows the same rule that explains the formation of the plural form ‘displays’ (l.24).

II. The plural of ‘crisis’ (l.05) is made by dropping ‘is’ and adding ‘es’.

III. The rule that explains the formation of ‘values’ (l.30) and ‘pages’ (l.13) is the same.

Which ones are correct?

  • A. Only I.
  • B. Only III.
  • C. Only I and III.
  • D. Only II and III.
  • E. I, II and III.

Analyse the statements below, considering the context of occurrence in the text.

I. Considering the grammatical context, the expression ‘have always had’ (l.01) should be translated to ‘sempre tiveram’.

II. The phrasal verb ‘went on’ (l.29) has the same meaning as the expression ‘took place’.

III. The verb ‘persuading’ is in the –ing form due to the presence of the preposition ‘at’ (l.24).

Which ones are correct?

  • A. Only I.
  • B. Only III.
  • C. Only I and III.
  • D. Only II and III.
  • E. I, II and III.

In text 9A3AAA, the word “its” (l.1) is a

  • A. personal pronoun.
  • B. verb form.
  • C. prepositional phrase.
  • D. possessive form.
  • E. definite article.

In text 9A3AAA, a modal verb is

  • A. “applies” (l.4).
  • B. “learning” (l.5).
  • C. “is” (l.2).
  • D. “Teaching” (l.4).
  • E. “can” (l.5).

In text 9A3BBB, “has had” (l.3) is used to emphasize an event that happened

  • A. in an indefinite time in the past, continuing until the present.
  • B. in a definite time in the past, being disconnected from the present.
  • C. as a habit in the past, having ended before the present time.
  • D. as an obligation and a necessity in an indefinite time in the past.
  • E. in an indefinite time in the present, continuing until the future.

In text 9A3BBB, the word “thought”, both in line 4 and line 6, is

  • A. an adverb.
  • B. a conjunction.
  • C. a noun.
  • D. a verb.
  • E. an adjective.

An example of passive voice taken from text 9A3BBB is

  • A. “is very complex” (l.4).
  • B. “has had” (l.3).
  • C. “as being” (l.6).
  • D. “has been” (l.2).
  • E. “is known” (l.2).

Modifying the verb tense of the clause “the frogs were going to arrive a month ahead of schedule” to future, the correct form of “were going to arrive” becomes

  • A. is going to arrive.
  • B. would be arriving.
  • C. have just arrived.
  • D. was going to arrive.
  • E. will be going to arrive.

In text 9A3CCC, a pronoun that introduces a relative clause is

  • A. “before” (l.5).
  • B. “than” (l.6).
  • C. “which” (l.7).
  • D. “as” (l.2).
  • E. “But” (l.4).

In text 9A4BBB, “pretend” (í.14) is synonymous with

  • A. make sure.
  • B. intend.
  • C. make believe.
  • D. infer.
  • E. assure.
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