Questões de Língua Inglesa da Intituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Cultural e Assistencial Nacional (IDECAN)

Lista completa de Questões de Língua Inglesa da Intituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Cultural e Assistencial Nacional (IDECAN) para resolução totalmente grátis. Selecione os assuntos no filtro de questões e comece a resolver exercícios.

The meaning in “And people with disabilities don’t like it either” is conveyed by

  • A. Either way people with disabilities do like it.
  • B. Likewise, disabled people are not fond of it.
  • C. Either of the people with disabilities grant it.
  • D. Neither disabled nor special people doom it.

“Somewhat” (L 36) means

  • A. rather.
  • B. barren.
  • C. barely.
  • D. accurate.

“Fueled” does NOT mean:

  • A. Heated.
  • B. Goofed.
  • C. Fostered.
  • D. Cherished.

Choose the item that completes the sentence.

  • A. gruff … petty
  • B. grasp … umpire
  • C. flail … obnoxious
  • D. stamp ... outstanding

A learning]centered approach to ESP (English for Special Purposes) will

  • A. define formal patterns of what language we learn.
  • B. rest on fulfilling demands within how people learn.
  • C. touch off massive universal interest in learning ESP.
  • D. neglect features from learners’ intrinsic motivation.

According to Hutchinson and Waters, ESP’s (English for Special Purposes) roots are:

  • A. English used as a second language.
  • B. Mother tongue learning expertise.
  • C. English for science and technology.
  • D. Learning English for communication.

Write T (true) or F (false) to choose the item.

( ) An international phonetic alphabet’d improve the study of spoken language.

( ) Phonetic guidelines might enhance the understanding of oral skills.

( ) Linguistics was given credit by the establishment of phonetics.

( ) The International Phonetic Alphabet would be instrumental in the studies of all languages.

( ) The International Phonetic Alphabet enabled speech processes.

  • A. T, T, T, F, T.
  • B. T, T, F, T, F.
  • C. F, F, F, T, T.
  • D. F, F, T, F, F.

Choose the item which contains grammar inconsistency.

  • A. Neither Brian nor Cynthia borrows money from anyone.
  • B. It is necessary that he be on time to get his reward card.
  • C. I still can’t believe Charles has been charged with murder.
  • D. I wish I didn’t talk to Maureen that way in class yesterday.

In Hymes’s view one signals competence for language use if he/she

  • A. accomplishes behavior command.
  • B. handles linguistic theory thoroughly.
  • C. executes prying operations to learn.
  • D. assesses adequacy to circumstances.

In the passive “Learners have to figure out language” becomes

  • A. Language has been figured out by learners.
  • B. Language had to be figured out by learners.
  • C. Language has to be figured out by learners.
  • D. Learners have to have language figured out.
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